Peter Hajas



Office Space features an N64

In the film Office Space, there’s a great montage to “Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta”. There’s a version of that montage here.

There’s something interesting in this montage, around the 1:04 mark. Near the right side of the screen:

Image of an N64 on the right side of the screen in the movie Office Space. Standard aspect ratio

It’s a Nintendo 64!

Right at the edge of the frame is part of a cartridge. Because of cropping, we can’t tell what game is in the console in the standard-definition version of the film.

Very thankfully, in the widescreen version of the movie, we can more clearly see what Game Pak is in the console:

Image of an N64 on the right side of the screen in the movie Office Space. The game is more visible in the cartridge. Widescreen aspect ratio

Let’s enhance a bit more:

A close up of the image showing Mario Kart 64

It’s Mario Kart 64!

As we see later on in the film, the controller is plugged into Player 4’s port:

Image of the three programmers from Office Space dancing, with a Nintendo 64 on the right side of the frame